Fall Scavenger Hunt


For our second "tot school" lesson of the week, we went on a scavenger hunt with the boys. We met up at the park and let the boys wander around for a few minutes. Then Karli read a fall-themed book before setting the boys loose. She gave them an empty raspberry tin with word strips/pictures on it so they knew what to look for. Given their ages, this is what really happened: we held the containers and told them what to look for (and sometimes where to look, too). Tate didn't know what an acorn was so after he found one and learned the word he was really into talking about it for the rest of the day. On the way home all I heard about was how he found an acorn and when he saw an acorn and, "Hey Mom, an acorn!" 

The scavenger hunt was really fun and the boys loved it. Tate was so excited about his tin and loved putting things inside. Also, the park we went to was GORGEOUS. Such a beautiful view of the fall colors and it just so happened that the weather was amazing too. So thank you, Mother Nature, for making it a great day all around.

Random side note - given that it's October, I had to bust out my Halloween wreath. I really really wanted to make this wreath that I've had pinned for a couple years now, but yeah... let's be honest with each other. It's just not gonna happen. Maybe one day years from now I will have an amazing amount of patience and a deep, deep love for my glue gun. Only then will I attempt that wreath. For now, I'm cool with fake spiders and webs from the dollar store.

P.S. Tate calls spider webs "spider wings" and it's pretty darn cute.

I linked up at iheartnaptime.net

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